The Agricola property is comprised of 3,100 acres of timberland in Clay County, Florida at the intersection of US Hwy 17 and Leno Road. As a direct response to the sprawling development around the Jacksonville area, the Agricola family asked Town Planning and Urban Design Collaborative to provide an alternative approach that supports a more sustainable lifestyle and development pattern. We plan to provide a variety of uses, housing types, and a network of context-sensitive thoroughfares. We are exploring ideas around Agri-hoods, native landscaping, sustainable stormwater, conservation, and partnering with local universities.
Our public design charrette was held April 2-6th in Clay County. Please visit our charrette tab to learn what was discussed and view a copy of the presentation. If you missed the charrette or want to continue exploring ideas with us, we are welcoming all feedback in our forums tab.
Stay Informed
Cornerstones of Development
During our first visioning sessions, the family and design team identified four cornerstones of development that will lead our process, inform decision making, and measure success:
- Legacy for the Future
- Sustainable
- Thoughtful Context Sensitive Solutions in keeping with Rural Character
- Employment Opportunities
Site Design & Development Overview
Property Map

Consultant Team

Lead Planning and Urban Design Team
Sustainable Stormwater Engineering
Multimodal Transportation Engineer



Master Plan


Permitting &